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Flooring Is Not A DIY Job

Many men, and quite a large number of women as well, can be pretty handy with a paint brush. What that means is that when you need to redecorate a room – the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, hallway, and so on – they can go to somewhere such as B&Q, buy the paint in the colour that they want, take it home, and get started painting.

Certainly, you need a couple of accessories such as a step ladder, and sheeting to protect the floor or carpet, but that aside, it is just a question of how long it takes to paint, let undercoats dry, paint the gloss over the top, and so on. One thing is for sure: it will save a considerable amount of money over and above hiring a building and decorating firm to do the job for you.

A Different Kettle Of Fish

However, when it comes to the flooring in your rooms, that is a completely different kettle of fish. This is a job for specialists. It needs training, and it needs practice, in order to get the job done right. Not only that, but it has to be right first time. If you make a bit of a mess with the emulsion paint on the wall or miss a bit, it’s a simple enough matter to paint over the top of it. But not with flooring.

At Floor Direct, as the leading Islington flooring company, our team are experts at laying whatever type of flooring you choose. So, for example, you may want wood flooring in Islington for your hallway which is tricky when it comes to fitting. It’s a great choice, and there are many different options, but you want something that is going to impress your visitors. However, the actual installation process has to be spot on. So, unless you have the training and experience, you had better leave it to the team at Floor Direct. Our lads know what they are doing!

And we are not just restricted to Islington either. Yes, we are an Islington flooring company, but we are known far wider than that. We cover the whole of London and the surrounding counties, so if you happen to live in Birchington, Southend, Didcot, or Luton, we’ve got you covered. In the case of flooring – and wood flooring in Islington – we’ve got you covered quite literally!