Your right to cancel doesn’t apply to products that are made to your specifications. This includes floor coverings, which have been cut from a roll to your specific order size. If the goods are excluded from your right to cancel, we will find out whether they have already been cut to your specifications and if not, we will accept a cancellation of your order and refund your money. Please contact our customer service for any return’s requests.
Once the order has been placed, there will be no cancellation after that. Floor direct does not accept any cancellation on flooring that has been cut to size.
When your goods have been delivered, you have a reasonable opportunity to make sure that they are the products you ordered. If not, you should not cut into, fit, or use them (other than to check whether they are the right goods). You should retain the packaging so that this can be reused, if possible, for their return. You will be responsible for the condition of the goods and for their reasonable care whilst they are in your possession.